Snyder CEO/Leadership Style: Political Instinct Absent and Needed. #leadership

This editorial is well done from a publication that is usually very favorable to the Governor but is now critical of his skill set and life experiences during this current crisis in Michigan--Flint.  I was talking to a Lansing based policy expert and we both said the same as Finley--right now the Governor could use more political skills and experience.  The benefit of the private sector CEO/COO is not always the best skill set during times when you have a crisis in the public square.  Experience in the political world, the governing world and the public administration world is really useful and important because you develop an instinct for the politics and public demands of office.   In the future we should look at all of a candidate's life experiences--at both a life in the private sector but also a set of experiences in the public sector, in politics, before we elect someone to be the Governor, the President, County Executive, etc., etc..  Clearly Governor Snyder's CEO experiences were very useful to him when he first became Governor and that skill set was often beneficial to the people of Michigan as we dealt with some major financial difficulties in Michigan.  It is not enough to have those skill sets only.  It is not enough to just have skilled "political" and public administration experienced staff around you--it is important and crucial to have both types of staff, but it is just not enough.  We need in future years as we elect Presidents and Governors, in both political parties, to look for experience in the private and public sector.  Experiences in the political world is where you develop a political instinct and awareness and that only comes with life experiences in the political world.