Free University Tuition Video From Detroit's Television "Flashpoint"

Very interesting discussion on the free tuition movement with panelists Morley Winograd, Chairman of the "Campaign for Free Tuition" and former Michigan Governor James Blanchard.  Both panelists talk about the use of existing federal higher education funding for funding free instate tuition at public universities.  They state that Congress would not have to raise taxes to accomplish free tuition for all if they redirected the existing $60 billion federal dollars on higher education in America.  Also they talk about the fact that student college university loan debt is now at $1.2 TRILLION.  This I believe is higher than current national automobile loan debt and credit card debt.  The link below will take you to this video--it is the second video on the page.

The first video on the link is an interview with former Senator Carl Levin on the topic of ISIS, Middle East and foreign policy.  Worth a view.  Senator Levin now on the faculty at Wayne State University is the former Chairman of the US Senate Armer Services Committee and very knowledgable on this topic.  Worth a view.